Lori Mesa Antiques & Fine Jewelry offers free two day shipping within the USA. Our shipping is fully insured and ships registered U.S. post.
You will receive a tracking number from us within 24 hours of sale completion. If an alteration or resizing was requested then the order will ship out within 1 - 2 business weeks.
While we welcome the opportunity to do business with customers from any country, there are certain aspects of international transactions that require special terms. They are as follows: We will NOT provide false information on United States Postal Service Customs forms. This includes but is not limited to lying about contents, claiming items to be gifts or repairs, or claiming a lower-than-actual value.
You will receive a tracking number from us within 24 hours of sale completion. If an alteration or resizing was requested then the order will ship out within 1 - 2 business weeks.
While we welcome the opportunity to do business with customers from any country, there are certain aspects of international transactions that require special terms. They are as follows: We will NOT provide false information on United States Postal Service Customs forms. This includes but is not limited to lying about contents, claiming items to be gifts or repairs, or claiming a lower-than-actual value.